- Would you need arrangement now? 请问现在需要安排吗?
- Why in the world would you need to borrow $5000? 你究竟为什么要贷款5000美元呢?”
- Would you please tell me when you need the taxi? 告诉我您什么时候要搭出租车,好吗?
- Would you need a small spoon for your child / kid? 您需要一个小勺子给您的孩子吗?
- What would you need to create a reusable testing framework? 要建立一个可复用的测试框架您都需要什么呢?
- What would you need to know to plan an organization structure? 要编制一个组织结构,你应知道些什么?
- What types of documents would you need for QA, QC, and Testing? 这句话是问进行测试时需要准备的文档,还是测试过程中需要的文档。
- What would you say if you need to use someone's toilet? 如果你需要用别人洗手间的时候,你会怎么说呢?
- Why, you ask, would you need to pass any specific boot options to the kernel? 您会问,为什么需要把特定的引导选项传递至内核?
- You need to put the highlight in now. 现在你需要把强光部分画出来。
- Do you need us to replace them, or would you prefer a discount on the ones you've received? 要我们重新给您换货,还是对已收到的这批货打折扣呢?
- Would you be kind enough to take a message to him? 拜托您捎个信儿给他。
- You need to filter the drinking water. 你需要把饮用水过滤。
- If you need to have a Class B network address subnetted into exactly 510 subnets, what subnet mask would you assign? (对一个B类网络进行子网划分,要划分出510个子网,则子网掩码是?)
- Would you like a cup of malt whisky? 你想喝杯麦芽威士忌吗?
- CB: In connection with that, if you were asked, what do you think would you need to get closer to a championship? 与之相关的问题是,你觉得你需要什么来更接近获得冠军?
- You need to put more zing into your playing. 你在这一活动中需要再增加些干劲。
- Would you put a good shine on these boots? 你把这些靴子好好擦一下好吗?
- How would you pack the goods we have ordered? 我们订购的这批货,不知你们是怎么包装的?
- You need a sharp knife to cut through the knot. 你需用快刀才能把结切断。